Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kate Winslet

“Life is short, and it is here to be lived.”

“I've been Skinny; it's fucking boring.”

“Loving someone is setting them free, letting them go.”

“Just because society, and government, and whatever was different 100 years ago, doesn't mean that people didn't have sex, pick their nose, or swear.”

“Mum and dad were very much friends, and up to life. There was no anxiety for anything when I was growing up, they just taught me to be me.”

“I wouldn't dream of working on something that didn't make my gut rumble and my heart want to explode.”

“I like exposing myself. There's not an awful lot that embarrasses me. I'm the kind of actress who absolutely believes in exposing herself.”

“There are moments to indulge and enjoy, but I always know when it's time to go home and wash my knickers.”

- Kate Winslet

(photo by Mario Testino)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Charlotte Rampling

"I am fascinated by the whole process of what it's like to be alive, whether it's unbelievably uncomfortable and horrible or whether it's quite nice."

"If words don't have vibration behind them, and a real feeling behind them, then they're just words."

"One of the reasons I don't see eye to eye with Women's Lib is that women have it all on a plate if only they knew it. They don't have to be pretty either.

"To grieve is something extremely difficult. We don't even know how to begin to grieve, and I don't know how you can be taught to grieve.

"You cannot watch yourself dispassionately."

- Charlotte Rampling